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AAbyssalcraft · Advanced Rocketry · Alex's Caves · Alex's Mobs · Ars Magica 2 · Applied Energistics 2 · Atum 2: Return to the Sands · Avaritia
BBetter Builder's Wands · Better Dungeons · Better With Mods · Biomes O' Plenty · Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry · Blue Skies · Botania · BuildCraft
CCandycraft · Chicken Bones Mods · Clay Soldiers Mod · Cooking for Blockheads · CraftTweaker · Create · Custom NPCs
DDraconic Evolution · Dragon block C
EElectroblob's Wizardry · Elemental Creepers · Elemental Witch Mod · Ender IO · Ex Nihilo · Extra Utilities · Extra Utilities 2
FFarmer's Delight · Flan's Mod · Forestry · Fossils and Archeology
GGalacticraft · GregTech · GrowthCraft
HHeat and Climate
IIce and Fire: Dragons · Immersive Engineering · IndustrialCraft 2 · Into the Maelstrom · Iron Chests
JJammy Furniture Mod · JurassiCraft · Jurassic World Reborn
LL_Ender's Cataclysm · LittleMaidMob · LuckyBlockMod · Lycanites Mobs
MMekanism · Millénaire · MineFactory Reloaded · Minechem · Minecolonies · Minecraft Comes Alive · Mob Talker · Mo'Creatures · Mowzie's Mobs · MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod · MrCrayfish's Gun Mod · Mutant Creatures Mod · Mystcraft · Mystical Agriculture
NNevermine · Nikkori Mod · Nuclearcraft
OOpenBlocks · Orespawn
PPam's HarvestCraft · Pixelmon · Portal Gun · Project E · Project Red
RRailcraft · Real Train Mod · RedPower 2 · Rotarycraft
SSCP: Lockdown · Scape and Run: Parasites · Storage Drawers
TTerraFirmaCraft · Thaumcraft · The Aether · The Betweenlands · The Bumblezone · The Graveyard · The Morbid Reborn · The Titans Mod · Thermal Dynamics · Thermal Expansion · Thermal Foundation · Thermal Innovation · Tinkers' Construct · TrainCraft · Twilight Forest
VValkyrien Skies · Vic's Modern Warfare Mod
WWildycraft · World of Bosses

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